Eclipses, Beltane, and Apocalypses, Oh My!

What a weird time. Despite the dreaminess of the recent Neptune Jupiter conjunction in Pisces, the feeling that the world (or at least our version of it) is ending grows by the day. For many the world is, or has ended.
There is a lot of mourning to be done.

But it's spring! Beltane! A time for witches, animists, visionaries, queers, poets, radicals, artists, nature devotees, mystics, revolutionary's and goddess lovers (that's us!) to dance around a fire, drink too much, then have a dalliance under a bush...or so the lore goes.
A time to do the greatest, sanity making magic in the world, which is falling in love with life! With the messy, terrifying, wondrous beauty of it all. OMG stars!!!! OMG fire!!!! OMG sex!!! OMG stuff grows from dirt!!!! The birds are building nests, and even though it's still freezing (alright, really cold) in Wisconsin, there are flowers.
What joy.

But the earth may be dying, people are suffering in wars, and the pandemic never ends, and that's just the beginning. Suffering abounds. And to make it super fun, there is an eclipse in Taurus is this weekend, and you may be facing your worst fears about money and safety, or overreaching your budget by...lets just say significant amounts.

There are a lot of conflicting energies to process.

But we can use simple magics to do it.

I encourage you to take time this next month to enjoy the little things, to feel deeply your places of pleasure, and let your longings for what you don't have fuel the fires of whatever it is you hope to harvest.

As you experience joy or satisfaction, notice, take a deep breath, gather that feeling as a ball of light and send i to all those who are suffering. When you are overwhelmed by pain or dissatisfaction, notice, take a deep breath, and welcome in compassion for yourself. Ask your guides for help. Imagine that compassion as a ball of light, and send that compassion to others in pain.
Take a breath. Begin again.

No matter what, wherever we are in our process, we can create magic that changes and heals the collective.

You are not alone. You are loved. You can change the world just through being you.

Faith NewtonComment