So…What Do You Actually Do?
This is a question I get a lot. Good friends, people I’ve known for years, will confess they have no real understanding of what I actually do. And that makes sense. I work in the mystery, and with traditions which have been deliberately repressed and denied (to the point of genocide) for generations.
We live in a world that insists on definition, and I insist on being undefinable. Though definitions are useful tools, they are not reflections on reality itself. So, I am writing this post to tell you a little about what working with me is like.
I will start by saying that though I recognize the subjectiveness of definitions, I love using them to understand patterns. I’m an Intuitive Feeler in Jungs system of personality, an INFJ in the Myers Briggs, and it’s a lot easier for me to talk about the ideas I have about this work and metaphors for what it’s like then what it actually is like. Luckily, most folks attracted to working with me are also Intuitive (N) types, pattern seekers, and this will not bother them. For you Sensing (S) types out there, just seeking a clear answer, I apologize. I will do my best.
Working with me is like going for a walk in the forest and coming upon a little hut, and then starting a conversation with someone with leaves in her hair. She listens to your thoughts and complaints, and you may find yourself talking for hours. She tells you about stories and the stars, she reminds you of things you’ve forgotten. When you are ready to leave, she may give you something physical, like herbs or exercises. She may give you something energetic, like prayers or ceremonies. Either way, she gives you a seed. She may even tell you what to do with it, how to plant it, or care for it. But when you leave, what you do with that seed is up to you.
Hopefully you will leave a little more liberated from social conditioning, a little kinder to yourself, and with a sense of having been shown a true mirror. What you see in that mirror? I really hope its your innate divinity.
The real role of the witch or wise woman is to plug you into the matrix of relationship, catalyze your own capacity to be yourself, with all your faults and wonders, and to accept the adventure of your life, with its hills and valleys.
Working with me is like that. Except I’m a millennial, I live in an urban apartment building, and we will probably talk over Zoom.
Practically, when I work with folks, we are usually in an astrological container. What we do in that container is adapted to what folks need in the moment. No matter what we are consulting the celestial allies and archetypes, but sometimes we do it by entering trance states to visit guides and get information and healing for you, sometimes we just chat about your life to understand and get agency around patternsyour struggling with, sometimes we just talk about resources and tools that can help you.
There are real life responses to the work I do generally. I help people heal, feel empowered, remember their wholeness, successfully transition into new careers, access their creativity, leave bad relationships, create meaningful rituals, process trauma and grief, connect with their ancestors, become more resourced to navigate the world, and much more.
But the results I really look for are increased consciousness, self-awareness, heart openness, self-compassion, and agency. Life will continue to bring you pain, loss, and trauma. That is the nature of incarnation. What you do with that is the real test. Do you blame yourself? Do you blame the Universe? Maybe both? A favorite addictive thought of mine is “The universe is doing this to spite me.” It’s rarely exactly thought in this way, but oof, it’s a doozy. When I think that, I deny my own agency and choice, and I deny myself the opportunity to learn and come into deeper relationality through whatever is happening.
So, are my clients more capable of showing up to life with humor, love for self and others, humility, and adaptability? Then I’ve succeeded. Are they dealing with pain and struggle through honoring their agency and opening their hearts? Then I’ve succeeded.
Are they telling their own story, instead of letting family, culture, or their inner critic tell it for them? Then I’ve succeeded.
These are HUGE goals. But if even a single step is taken towards them, I count the work a success.
I have learned, through twenty plus years of spiritual, magical, and philosophical study, that our beliefs are everything. As Hamlet says, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” The essence of what I do is help you transform the life-taking beliefs you have, into life-giving beliefs. We do this through looking not at what happened persay, but the story you are telling yourself about the phenomena. We explore the possibilities for other story’s. We do energy healing and ritual to untangle your life force from toxic story’s, and make space for new storys.
We are all storytellers, dreaming the great dream. However, we begin our journeys unaware of this. Like Plato shares in his allegory of the cave, we watch Shadows on the wall, not knowing they are shadows, not knowing we are imprisoned. My goal is to show you the shadows, unlock the chains, and show you the sun. I can help you see where you are addicted to pain and suffering, where you close down. I can help change the energetic patterns which contribute to these patterns. But what you do with that is up to you. It’s your seed. Will you plant it? Will you lose it?
What I hope happens is you become an agent of your life, instead of a victim. I hope you change your reality through changing the story you tell about it. I hope you let your defenses fall down, and experience the difficult world and your vulnerability with an open heart. I hope you fall in love with yourself and with life. I hope you make weird stuff and do exactly what is right for you, and let go of what other people think. I hope you connect with all those who love you and could love you, human and non-human. I hope you like yourself, even when life is hard.
Many people come to me hoping I can change the world for them. Magic is certainly equipped to change the world, but it does so through changing YOU. You must be who changes. Otherwise, if you get what you want by changing others, that is sorcery. It is violence. It is creating magical outcomes through the subjugation of others wills.
People come in with goals. Goals are good! They let us know what life is asking you to tend. So often the goals people bring are actually expressions of their souls captivity. The absences in our lives are symptoms, cracks, where we can see into your souls deeper needs and longings.
So, do you want a partner, a new job, more money, or to heal from an illness? But have you really honored and been present with what life is bringing you, or are you trying to escape it?
Is what you want actually aligned with your souls highest, wildest calling? Is it an expressions of your highest good, does it facilitate you being of the most service to the collective?
Those are the questions I help you ask. I also ask what does not having this thing doing for you? How has it been working for you?
That’s alchemy. Radically treating the self as an agent, and thus accessing our agency, and finding the power to change the world and ourselves with it.
We only get to access the gold we came into this body to find by accepting the journey we are on. We only get to access the gold if we accept the and work with the shit we find on the way. Not hide it under the rug, or ignore it when we walk by, or dump it under your neighbor’s porch. You must work with it. Process it. This is alchemy. it is hard, lifelong work.
So, what do you actually do, Faith?
Well, I’m sure all my clients will tell you different things.
With an emphasis on supporting you to be the storyteller, the meaning maker in your own life, my goal is to help you be your own guru, wise-person, and inspiration. Through coming into relationship with the living cosmos and your true self, you get the opportunity to change the dream. I hope to use the resources I have to empower you to remember your true nature as a storyteller, a creator, and a meaning maker, and to liberate you energetically so you can act from a place of consciousness, divine agency, free will, and sacred choice. That being said, below is a list of the practical support I offer.
I often support people through…
Break-ups, divorces, & ending toxic relationships
Marriage ceremonies
Navigating relationships, understanding astrological compatability and challenges
Healing from trauma energetically (soul retrieval, extraction)
Healing past life issues
Understanding & getting liberation around soul contracts
Dismantling limiting patterns
Spiritual crises
Getting insight into souls calling, vocation
Welcoming in new life
Supporting those who’ve transitioned
Creative blockage
House and Land clearing
Cord Cutting
Connecting with Spiritual Guides
Healing Ancestral Lines
Gaining tools for mindfulness, listening to the body and earth, processing trauma
General insight into life patterns, relational patterns etc