When the world is burning

I have put off beginning this blog like a visit to the dentist. Which, if you know me, is some serious avoidance behavior. But what with the events of the past few weeks, I do not feel I rightly can any longer.

So I am setting the intention.

I claim this as sacred space in which to consider, question, and explore opportunities for activism which refute the power structures of capitalist, consumer society. I intend to support myself and others in creating forms of activism which are conducive for introverts, those who are alternatively-abled, or living with conditions that limit their ability to protest. I wish to explore activism that is accessible for the anxious, the traumatized, the feminine, the invisible, and those who may be in jeopardy if they engage in civil disobedience or raise their voices. I wish to explore activism from an animistic point of view, which assumes that all things, ALL THINGS, are infused with energy, life, and consciousness.

It also assumes that all things are connected, that small actions have big effects, and that inner work has outer effects. I will repeat this last tenet. Inner work, that which we do to support and heal ourselves, has radical effects on the world. I am including in my personal animistic viewpoint the work of Carl G. Jung, and specifically that of the collective unconscious, which allows us deeper access to a shared spiritual and psychological foundation between all beings. To me, this basically means that when we question and change our beliefs, and take action out of this, we change not only what we physical effect but the collective unconscious of the entire planet. However, I reject the patterns of complacency in many Jungian communities, and know that self-transformation is not enough.

I am also interested in what activism is from an energetic perspective, and specifically how those who use energy healing techniques can support the earth and their communities in dynamic ways. I honor the many people who are already doing this sort of work, and the beauty of their processes.

How do we decolonize activism? How do we create a model for non-patriarchal activism, when patriarchy is the air we breathe? This and more I will ask here. I welcome in all of my allies, teachers, ancestors and supporters to be with my through this process. I ask for any benevolence created out of this endeavor to go to the earth, for her vibrancy, cleansing, and health. I also ask that it go to the human race, for them to learn daily new ways to build true relationship to their home, the planet, and all their relations, both on this planet, and in the multiverses.

I welcome in the dreaming world, the dreambody, and the power we have as creator beings.

I also welcome in beauty, laughter, hope, and a good dose of silliness.

And unicorns. Just because.

Faith Carol