Current Course Offerings
A brown rattle with black lacing on a black and gold background
Starlight: Rattle Making Class
When: April 1st and 8th (Saturdays) 2023, 1-3 CST/11-1 PST
Where: Zoom
What: Learn to make your own sacred rattle in this zoom class. We will meet two times to create an instrument you can use in ceremony, meditation, trance work and journeying, energy healing, music making, spellwork, ritual, and more.
All participants will receive a kit. Different types of kits are available at different costs.
The milky way
Introduction to Embodied Animism
When: March 4rd and 11th (Saturdays) 2023, 1-4 CST/11-2 PST
Where: Zoom
What: Learn the basics of an animist spiritual practice. In this class we discuss an animist world view, and learn the sacred tool of journeying to connect respectfully to non-human persons, spiritual guides, and the living world.
Embodied Animism: World as Kin
When: Every 4th Wednesday of 2023 Except July and December, 2-4 CST/12-2 PST
Where: Zoom
What: This drop in class is for folks wishing to deepen their relationships with non-human persons and the unseen world, bring more structure to their spiritual practice, gain confidence in their trance/journey skills, and connect to their spiritual guides. Each month we will connect in a new way with a new guide or conscious being