The Approach
Animism: An approach to life which assumes all beings have consciousness, that personhood is not limited to humans, and which seeks community with all persons.
Embodiment: A path to consciousness through the body. Deeply inhabiting the physical self. A rejection of the myth that consciousness is separate from matter.
Liberation: The goal of spiritual, psychological, and community organizational practices. Liberation is a state in which we make decisions not due to unconscious inherited beliefs, compulsive patterns, systemic oppression, ancestral burdens, but due to alignment with the body, the earth, the higher self.
Archetype: The process of finding meaning through noticing cultural patterns. Archetypal patterns are not truth yielding, but rather insight giving. An archetype is an expression of a pattern, and is culturally created and limited.
Alchemy: An ancient form of mystical science which can be used as a guide for personal and collective transformation. Alchemical thought reminds us that the inner and the outer, the personal and the collective, the above and below are all reflections of each other, and are constantly co-creating each other.
I offer a variety of tools to support folks in their healing journeys. An attempt to explain the practical expression of that HERE. To learn about the ideas underpinning my approach, continue reading.
I approach healing from a systems and critical theory perspective. To me, the greatest challenge of our time is something I call Oppressive Sorcery. We see this in Systemic Sorcery, any system which exists through creating illusions, calling them reality, and forcing individuals to uphold these false realities in order to survive. This same pattern happens in individual relationships (Narcissism is a psychological term for what I call sorcery), and in smaller, local communities.
I first began to think about this as a college student. After years of navigating familial and personal trauma, culminating in experiencing sexual violence from a loved one, I began to wonder how it is people can perpetuate violence on those they claim to love. I used philosophy and mythology to explore this, and began to find the ways that anti-earth, anti-femme and anti-black rhetoric was all tied together. I have been on a journey of liberation ever since.
What I have learned through years of spiritual/magickal training and working with my guides is that these oppressive systems work the same way sorcerers do. Imagine oppressive systems and those that carry out their sorcery as evil sorcerers in fairy tales. They trap the energy of both oppressors and the oppressed, cursing them to perpetual action without self awareness.They suck up and trap our energy. They curse us to repeat the same patterns over and over again, and cause our descendants to get caught in the same curses. They create illusions which confuse us, disconnect us from ourselves and our community, diminish our vitality, and feed off our pain.
One of the great illusions of systemic oppressors is that the symptoms of systemic oppression, like physical and mental illness or violent behavior, is caused by individuals. You are depressed because you don’t exercise enough. You are unhealthy because you nourish yourself too much. You are depressed, angry, anxious, paranoid, unstable, dis-regulated because of individual behaviors or experiences. And so on and so on.
These systems exist not just materially and structurally, but they infiltrate our minds, bodies, and energy fields. The systems oppress individuals, those individuals oppress each other, and then we internalize all of that and oppress ourselves. This sorcery limits individuals from being able to step into agency and power, and thus prevents them from liberating themselves and others.
My work focuses on using spiritual tools to see through the illusions, unravel the curses, and dismantle oppressive beliefs as they play out in groups, individuals, and relationships. When people are freed from these dynamics, they are better able to thrive and challenge the systems which caused their suffering in the first place. When we are free, we are able to step into sacred choice, and take responsibility for harms we’ve caused, and how we have responded to and perpetuated harms. It allows us to step into a bigger picture of the self, shedding the curse of the separated individual, and opening the doors to a vital community filled with human and non-human persons.
I call the work I do Embodied Animism
I use tools like witchcraft, alchemy, astrology and animist ritual to support individuals and groups to liberate themselves from the curses of white supremacy and colonialism, so that they can heal, live vibrant lives, and become part of the collective transformation towards equity amongst all peoples and harmony with the land.
“Faith has been an inspirational healer in my life for many years working with me to empower me to find my voice, my own beacon of inner knowingness, and how to understand how to get grounded in times of distress. Faith is a master of understanding how to work with Folx who have dealt with systemic oppression and injustices and works very hard to not create more trauma or undermine you during your healing process. I would highly recommend her if you experience chronic illness especially, as she can guide you through tumultuous times with systems of care and burdens that you may have to endure with a loving tender heart.”
—Current Client