The Jupiter Uranus Conjunction: Liberating the Mountains Shadow

Image by Greg Rakozy

Uranus Keywords: Change, Revolution, Electricity, Justice, Activism, Astrology, Genius, Radicals, Earthquakes, Trickster, Games, Gambling, Uniqueness, Political Correctness, Fascism, Daimon, Synchronicity, Surprises, Shock, Science, Technology, Light Speed, Protesting, Space

Jupiter Keywords: Expansion, Meaning, Belief, Luck, Religion, Philosophy, Hope, Adventure, Language, Global perspective, Politics, Power, Colonialism, Hot Air, Pride, Critical Thinking, Education, Gambling, Blessings, Alchemy, Big, Spacious, Frontier

Themes of the Uranus Jupiter Conjunction: Liberatory meanings, Religious rebellions, Expansive technologies, Dogmatic religiosity, Prideful outsiders, Political and religious tricksters, Changes in government, Unexpected perspectives, Surprising luck, Synchronicity, Vision of the future, Shocking religious practices, Weird philosophies, Religious pranks, Queer religions, Hopeful visions, Electric expansion, Outsider education, Weird parties, Laughing at God/the Ego, Becoming more your authentic self, Religious activism, Educational revolutions

Link to Video exploring this Celestial Event

Link to Meditation connecting to the magic of Jupiter and Uranus within you.

Link to Journaling questions and more information of folks with natal Jupiter Uranus

Link to the YouTube Playlist to explore expressions of Jupiter Uranus in culture

Introduction to the Jupiter Uranus conjunction.

We are over halfway through a conjunction (0 degree angle) of Jupiter (Ju) to Uranus (Ur). This transit started in June of 2023 and ends July of 2024.

When two planets aspect one another, their archetypal frequencies dance together. In a conjunction, a New Moon position, they merge. It is flamenco, two forms becoming one for the period of a song. The themes of one planet forms the other through the relationship.

In planetary combinations we experience another facet of each planet, as well as the unique field that is born when two come together. 

These two planets conjoin every 13 years. We are starting a new cycle around themes of meaning and change. We are getting visions for the future.

Jupiter is the principle of expansion, and represents our psychological capacity to create and find meaning in our lives. 

The planet of belief, meaning, and hope, it’s associated with all higher learning, religion, philosophy, metaphysics, and the big picture view. Named for the king of the Gods, and ruler of Mt. Olympus, Jupiter is an expression of our collective nature, the magic that happens when we travel, and deals with the glamor and power of politics as well. 

Jupiter is charming, easy to get along with, and loves a party. Uranus likes a good time too. But they do their own thing, and they’re not for everybody. They break rules a lot, not always even meaning to. Jupiter pretends not to break rules, but no one really gets mad at them when they do, anyway. 

Uranus is our psychological capacity to change, and deal with the ever-changing nature of the universe.

Ruling technology, the stars, astrology, liberation, freedom, rebellion, Uranus is the electric energy of our genius, our eternal youth, that which is always refreshed, free, and new.

Both are future oriented. Uranus is future like liberation, change, youth. It is literally the planet of the future. Jupiter is future like hopes and dreams. During this time you may get a new big vision of what you want for your future.

Together, this archetypal combination creates invitations for individuals and collectives to find liberatory meanings.

During the conjunction, we will develop radical beliefs, find new perspectives, and free ourselves from limiting beliefs. We will see (and have seen) technological breakthroughs, economic changes, religious rebellions and births, and the birth of new ideas and movements. Curses ( stuck beliefs) will be unraveled. We will connect with the meaningful (Ju) expression of youth and pop (Ur) culture

The tangible outcomes of this transit aren't fixed. We decide how we respond to life, and that is our character, which astrology can bring meaning to, but cannot predict. Accessing the best of such a transit is available to anyone, but not a given. Both Uranus and Jupiter have shadow elements as well. 

The Shadow of Jupiter Uranus

Uranus is the principle of change, and in our birth chart represents our relationship to change. That relationship could be resistance, excitement, frustration, acceptance. When we refuse change we become brittle. When we overdo change we become reckless, and ungrounded.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and any action which expands our minds, hearts, lives. Too much expansion is the nature of colonialism, predatory capitalism, and hyper industrialization. We can educate to indoctrinate and control. 

Imbalanced Jupiter causes us to get cocky, too sure of ourselves, too inflated. All you need to take down a balloon is a sharp point. Now, being Jupiter, when we fall it probably won't be far, and we will (however naively) get back up. 

After all, Jupiter is blessings. 

But blessings given without consent can become a curse. Jupiter is our beliefs, and think of all the religions that have decided those who do not ascribe to their narrative of love deserve to be killed.

During this time we will get new perspectives into the relationship between politics and religion.

We will see religions grow more dogmatic, forgetting their own experiences of seeking freedom, to avoid any more change.

We will see self-righteous refusal to embrace change and humanitarian visions of the future. 

We will see politics undoing the positive changes made in the past (also thanks to the Uranus Pluto trine that’s begun and Saturn in Pisces). We will see political, religious, and educational resistance to change (Hi Florida, and like everywhere on Earth right now)

Every archetypal dynamic has millions of ways it can express, and is always expressing, in individuals and the collective, on multiple levels simultaneously. I'm just getting the wheels rolling, so you can identify Jupiter Uranus acting in your life.

The more willing you are to change right now, the easier this time will be, and the more unexpected blessings you will receive.

Blessings like: Easy travel, buoyant self expression, more freedom in your life, more independence, healthier community, more clarity about who you are and what you are called to, and a meaningful frame to understand yourself and the world. Meaning is what sustains us. If you are drowning in meaninglessness and confusion, there are gifts waiting for you here.

The more rigid a person you are, the harder this transit will be for you. To maintain the version of reality and identity you're addicted to will be hard. Resisting change is exhausting. You will find yourself growing brittle and irritated maybe.

Don’t judge it, if you notice it (‘m realizing that's happening to me right now. Eclipse season isn’t helping. We are all just doing our best). Noticing without judgment, with curiosity, is the key to a sane and meaningful life.

Light and Shadow, Aka God and the Adversary, Aka, Jupiter Uranus Aka Hail Satan?

Image by Benjamin Voros

We are each living out a different role in psyche’s journey to know herself. She has put on this great performance and called it life. We play our roles either way. The only difference, is we can become aware of it. That can sometimes help us play our roles more effectively and with greater meaning.

However, there is no judgment from the universe about the role you play in psyche’s great life drive.

Life seeks life, as a scientist would say it.

Astrology has taught me more about this than almost anything else, though I knew it from reading books already. The deep amorality of life itself. No good. No bad.

To psyche/consciousness/god, Eve, Cain, Judas, Caesar, and Lucifer are no less sacred than Moses, Abraham, Peter, Jesus, and Raphael. Wherever you are is right. Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.

Jupiter Uranus reminds us of this. We can believe in our values and perspectives fiercely and also fight for others rights to believe in whatever the fuck they want. Isn't that supposed to be the American dream anyway? Lol.

Which brings me back to this article.

You may notice I am using an awful lot of Abrahamic symbols. I usually prefer other forms of mythology (Jupiter) for my archetypal explorations.

But In a video I made describing the archetypal nature of this Jupiter Uranus transit, I invited people to understand this transits energies for themselves. While creating it I asked to understand this transit more deeply. I spent the rest of the day feeling energetic and jittery, filled with the expansive electricity of this archetypal combo. 

The evening progressed, and my husband asked if I wanted to watch a movie, a documentary we’d been meaning to see since his favorite DJ had recommended it. Hail Satan? is an excellent film made by Penny Lane (2019). 

It follows the rise of the Satanic Temple as they come to fame through public questioning of Christian supremacy in the USA, and it's participation in what are supposed to be secular systems

They don’t question Christianity itself, they are very clear on that.

They have a religion which values more than anything honoring the multiple in culture, and respecting others beliefs.

It’s the way Christianity has become part of our government that they have an issue with.

They are self proclaimed patriots, fighting for the freedom for all peoples to practice their religions as they see fit, and for a government that protects those rights. The Satanic Temple advocates for the American democratic value of pluralism, and separation of church and state. Its religion (Ju) as radical (Ur) politics (Ju & Ur). 

Not five minutes into the film I laughed, my prayers were being answered. It’s the most Jupiter Uranus film imaginable, of course suggested by my Jupiter Uranus husband, a perfect channel for my prayer to be answered through.

Most people are only familiar with fundamentalist propaganda about Satanism. I was told as a child that Satanists were evil because they worship themselves. Seeing as all spiritual practice is accessing the divine within, I'm not sure why that's the sharpest barb my Dad had available, but Satanists don't worship anyone at all, so it wasn’t even accurate. So goes propaganda.

Since learning about Satanism in my early 20s, I’ve been a fan (see their exquisite 7 tenets here to understand why). Satanists are non-theistic radicals, meaning their beliefs are not defined by following a deity. Freedom (Ur) from God (Ju). 

They do utilize the rich symbolism of Judeo-Christian mythology, but with a different spin on the narrative than the Abrahamic religions usually use. They root for Satan.

Satanists do not worship Satan as a deity, but as an abstract concept, the adversary, who opposes supremacy and mono-colonial-fascism, which is represented by Yahweh, and his “one god to rule them all” vibe. 

DId you know Yahweh used to be part of a whole pantheon of other Gods but killed them off and began demanding Jews worship only him and forget about his wife and siblings etc. I did not learn that from Hail Satan?. I just know stuff like that, lol

In seeing Satan as a symbol for freedom and Yahweh as a symbol of oppression, Satanists take a trickster position, inherently radical and likely to offend those who take themselves and their religion more seriously than is good for them. That is its role, its purpose. 

Tricksters are mirrors, who ask us to laugh at our cemented rigid beliefs. At ourselves. Think of comics, who teach ourselves to remember our humanity by sacrificing their ego on the altar of our laughter.

Satanists are religious (Ju) tricksters (Ur), constantly undermining assumptions of what a religion (Ju) means. As devotees of the Adversary, a non-theistic concept, they actively seek to troll, tease, and trick governmental systems of bureaucracy who take themselves and their beliefs far too seriously. They do this through performance art, protesting, and lawsuits against local governments.

They petition for a statue of Baphomet at every government location where a statue of the Ten Commandments has been placed. They argue that if a Christian religious symbol is there, all religions in the pluralist nation of the USA should have symbols represented. 


This is an untraditional approach to bringing people meaning. Religion as a prank. Many may think this is the opposite of a path to meaning. This is “rolling the dice to save all of your souls.” Yeah, the guy who wrote the music for Guys and Dolls has Jupiter Uranus. Go figure.

Satanists take onto themselves the outcast position intentionally, to heal imbalance. In mirroring an extreme position, we either… eventually go full circle and become that which we oppose (notice how many revolutions turn into new fascist governments?), OR we create an opportunity for the collective to become more whole. We become the missing half of the equation. To succeed in the latter we usually need to not take ourselves too seriously. Ie, we can't be ego driven.

The Satanists defy expectation, and honor truth and enlightenment as gifts that oppression seeks to take from us. It feels like something Jesus, the radical queer witch, would have seen as actually exemplary of his teachings. They challenge our collective identity. They are non-violent, follow laws, and use art and activism to subvert oppressive religious norms. So cooool!

Another thing about Satan (I think I wrote this just so I could publish that sentence) is his origin. Lucifer is actually another name for Venus. In our capitalist society, Venus primarily stands for our relationships with material goods, and the commodification of relationships, but in ancient, pre-patriarchal forms, Venus was a God of Justice. She was the keeper of the cosmic scales (Libra), the one who judged your heart, the one who balanced out injustices. She was a fierce warrior goddess, connected to her own erotic power and intuition. Satan has many origins, especially linked to the nature god Pan, but for now we will focus on Venus and Lucifer. This is just one article after all.
It’s interesting to think about the way patriarchal cultures and religions (I am not counting Gnostic and mystical Judeo-Christian traditions here) turned a symbol of justice into a symbol for evil. It’s a lot easier to discount notions of balance, yin, equality, pleasure, beauty, justice, and harmony (Venusian concepts), when they are associated with temptation, sin, and wrongdoing.

Thats a one stop trip to ego games. Good vs bad. Us vs them.

As collective shadow workers, Satanists bring the conversation out of narratives of “who has sinned and needs to be punished” (which is all just projection and ego control, more on that later), into a question of how do we follow through on our values as a community. They

Values is Venus. Venus like Lucifer. Insert witch cackle here.

A lot of Shadow work is learning to laugh at your ego, the part of you who wants to be right, good, and singular. The one who says “I am a…” . The ego is the one who gets identified with some single state of being (father, worker, human, white, queer) and forgets we are all amalgamations of paradox.

The ego is the part of individual and collective selves, that needs to be good and right to shape how we experience reality, because the ego keeps us safe.

We fear death and loss, we fear pain, and we avoid it any way we can. Rightly so. Life seeks life. But we usually avoid it through creating narratives where we are in control. Life as denial of life. 

That denial of the hard truths of reality can look like inflation ( that can't be true cause I'm good) or deflation ( this is true because I'm bad). 

We paint our fears and control narratives onto the world, and then pretend it was like that before we got out our paintbrush. Like the things that make us feel good and right and therefore safe are objectively true.

Humans are such good artists.

This mode of painting the world with whatever reality will make us seem good and right, allows us to create stories where there is ONLY ONE RIGHT WAY TO BE. 

That's what I call a curse. A belief which constellated into a structure of energy we cannot escape from. It determines our fates, denying us our free will.

There are so many ways to play this game, be it religious (only one legitimate god or set of practices), political (only one legitimate party or set of values), medical (only one legitimate body or way of experiencing the body), racial (only one legitimate skin color or culture), gender (only one legitimate binary), or the idea that only one species matters, so our prioritizing of humans is legitimate, even if it poisons the earth, which it won’t, cause we are the earth's rightful lords and masters and can do no wrong. 

You get the idea.

etc etc etc. 

1,000,000,000 flavors of denial 

Humans are GOOD at playing this game ya’all. If it's not one version of it, it's another. That's why it's so common for groups who are against each other to use the same tactics as their enemy. They are just the same thing, but on a different pole. It takes a lot of self awareness and practice to avoid playing the game of I am right and good, which makes you wrong and bad (or the opposite).

It feels SO REAL. And in some ways, it is. Jupiter and Uranus both have definite ideas of what is good and bad. It's just what they are depends on who you talk too. Interesting, huh?

Satanists have definite politics. But they enact their values by revealing the hypocrisy of others.  They subvert the collective ego. They do Shadow work.

I bet it makes some people soooo mad.

Anyway, the film gave me a lot of food for thought as to the meaning of Jupiter Uranus, and the opportunities of this transit for us.

Like the parts of us we reject and judge (Uranus is the outsider), are often the parts of us who give meaning (Jupiter) to our journey. In learning to honor our inner trickster, and embrace our demons, we become more sane, whole, compassionate people. We also become a lot weirder, which is the whole point of Individuation, the process of becoming a more conscious participant in the great drama of life. The parts of you that you defend against, may be exactly what you need right now, to release your rigidity and embrace your wholeness.

The things which feel like such a threat, may just be an opportunity to laugh at our stories, and drop them for something more expansive. Like dropping “I’m right” for “I’m love”.

We are in a period of time where we see how our beliefs (Ju) have become dogmatic, rigid, and excuses for violence. Dogmatic rigidity is a shadow expression of Uranus.

Uranus is a shadow worker too. They electrify the psyche, activating its genius but also illuminating what was unseen.

Astrologer Stephen Arroyo suggests in his excellent work on Jupiter, that today we exemplify Jupiter’s toxic side, and that perhaps, it's more benevolent side is in our shadow (ie unlived and unexpressed)

Some of the toxic expressions of Jupiter are, according to Arroyo, “self-righteous, intolerant religious beliefs; greed and “lifestyles of the rich and famous”; the cult of celebrity as a treasured goal in itself; an over-extended, wasteful lifestyle that constantly pulls one away from one’s center and from one’s duties toward such trivialities as children; excessive growth and development, at the expense of the living atmosphere, the architectural heritage, and the environment, etc.”

Until July 2024, your rigid beliefs will get the opportunity to change, and parts of yourself you’ve forgotten will come back into the light, especially around themes of religious beliefs, methods for gaining meaning, and higher thinking. 

Youth, a younger version of yourself, a grandchild, your peers if your Gen Alpha or Z, or a children’s book may be vehicles of liberatory support at this time. 

This is an opportunity to free yourself from curses. To shed the limiting stories that were once meaningful, but have grown rigid, or are filled with hot air. They keep you small, self-defeating, self-mistrusting, dogmatic, rigid, and ‘right’. By that I mean, they support your ego. But they’ve stopped supporting your soul.

In order to do this, any transformative, consciousness raising activity can be helpful. Attending religious services, rituals in the woods, protesting, qi-gong, therapy, journaling, art making, these are all processes which can support you. 

I’ve also made a series of journaling and meditation prompts, available below. Take a few times over the next few months to go through these questions. The more awareness you have in this process, the more enriching it will be, and the more curses you will break.

I’ve also included a list of people with Jupiter Uranus aspects in their chart. These astrological natives are great teachers for those of us without those placements, and inspiration for those who do have them. I encourage you to learn about their lives, and engage with their content. 

To get you started, I created a YouTube playlist with videos, interviews, music, etc, exemplifying Jupiter Uranus vibes. I hope it will be nourishing. 

As I made it I was so struck at how many of these people were religious radicals, social changers, outliers, those who mirrored the status quo and made the mainstream better by showing there were options outside of it. There are also plenty of people who made a life of upholding oppressive dogmatic norms. Such is life.

I woke up this morning with “Day by Day” from Godspell in my head, a song that always makes me cry, and thought, OMG Godspell is so Jupiter Uranus. Religion as farce. God the clown. Of course, there it was, a gorgeous opposition (180 degree relationship) in composer Stephen Schwartz’s  chart. Both planets are in aspect to Mercury. He was a voice for liberatory religion. His art exemplifies the process of finding joy in unexpected places by breaking the rules of how we create meaning. One day at a time.

Developing liberatory meanings and freeing ourselves from curses is a process we engage in daily. There is no rush. There is only desire. Move towards what you want.

Jupiter Uranus is giving us an opportunity to heal whats in our shadows, subvert our ego narratives, and get a new vision that brings meaning to the next 13 years of our lives.

Life is an adventure.

Go dream it.

To access Journaling questions and more information about peopple born with Jupiter Uranus, click here

image by Keith Champaco