Solar Return Written Astrology Reading

Solar Return Written Astrology Reading


Have a birthday coming up and want some celestial support for the year ahead? Every year the sun returns to the place it was where we were born, creating a new chart for the year. This is called the Solar Return. The configurations of the planets at the moment of the solar return can give us insight into what the coming year has in store for you, what will be birthed from your psyche.

This offering is for a written reading.

The information from the solar return chart will be framed in the context of your natal chart (birth chart), with an eye to the transits of the year to provide you with big picture insight into the opportunities for spiritual, emotional, and psychological transformation available to you.

These readings integrate Archetypal, Jungian, and Evolutionary astrology, alongside my intuitive gifts, spiritual perspectives, and 10+ years as a spiritual healer and counselor. They assume your wholeness, honor your free will, encourage you to integrate your shadow self, and support you to live according to your wildness. People tend to find them empowering, encouraging, activating of self love, and helpful not for mundane matters, but those of the soul.

You will receive a 6-10 page written reading in PDF form to your email inbox.

Learn the themes of the year, receive journaling prompts, and get tuned into the resonance of this year, the lessons, the invitations, the gifts, and the possibilities. Each reading is unique, made just for you.

After you order, you will receive your reading in 7-20 business days, possibly sooner, please order with that in mind. If you want it to arrive in an inbox on a certain day, let me know in the intake form.

I cannot offer a faster turn around at this time.

This offering can also be gifted to friends and loved ones.

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